Monday, April 15, 2013

Promo pics

Man: “What shall we do now, your majesty?”

Evil Queen: Kill them all.

Evil Queen: Find me Snow White…

The powers of good…

may finally be destroyed.

Emma Swan: Storybrooke isn’t safe…

All new next Sunday…

Experience the first of




Lacey/Belle: You really are as dark as people say…

As the battle to save magic continues…

Mr. Gold: There will be suffering…

a brand new hero arrives.

Sheriff/Keith: He goes by ‘Robin Hood’.

Alliances will be forged.

Captain Hook: How can you help me?

Tamara: We know how to kill magical creatures.

And a family is torn apart.

Rumplestiltskin: All magic comes with a price.

It’s all leading up to the spellbinding season finale…

Once Upon a Time, all new next Sunday at 8/7c on ABC.


  1. Ok Regina isn't my favorite (she is a good villain yes but she isn't my favorite) but I am kind of worried a out her... and Who in the world is Rumple beating up... could it be the guy that Lacey/Belle was flirting with in the bar? And is Emma at a funeral in her cite black hat??? Can't wait to find out!!! Thanks T that promo was so fast I don't think anyone knew exactly what was going on!

  2. Right,omg there has been a theory going around that "Funeral" is possibly "Neals" again just Theory.
    And omg right about Regina as much as i dont like her when shes evil i fill bad from what we see

  3. Ok I have heard that theory too and on our instagram account Someone posted a picture of Neal with Blood all over him!!! Bum bum bummmmmm (creepy music Inserted here)
