Thursday, October 10, 2013

Once: Wonderland review (CAUTION: if you haven't seen the pilot episode yet DO NOT READ THIS!!!!)

You know when you see a promo for a series premiere and you think oh that looks totally awesome. So you mark it on your calendar so that you will remember to watch it? And right before it comes on you get those excitement butterflies, you know, the ones that do jumping jacks and cartwheels in your stomach. But then you turn it on and are like WTF this is terrible???

Well Once in Wonderland was not like that at all! There was plenty of action. Alice can really kick some ass!!! Most of the back story was put into this one where as in OUAT it played out through the entire season.

Jafar was a total douche -of course- and I was surprised to see the almost demise of the Red queen tonight with the powerful genies Darth Vader telekinetic death grip.

I am curious to see where the relationship between Alice and the Knave of Hearts will go. Something tells me that he has eyes for our heroine. And wants to help her find Cyrus but at the same time he wants her all to himself.

I wonder what happens between Alice and the Cheshire cat? What led up to him trying to kill her tonight?

I was really pissed when we found out that the White Rabbit was working for the Red Queen. That was one of those moments that I shouted at the television screen like it could do something about it!

As for the Red Queen I have a theory as to why she wanted to trick Alice into thinking Cyrus was dead. I think its because while couple were traveling they did something to the queen and Jafaf and now they are seeking revenge.

Anyway that's just a theory. But j would really like to know what all of you think. So let me know in the comments below.

Or and one more thing. Does anyone think Jefferson will show up a time or two?

I sure hope so!

All in all this was a fantastic show!!! I can't wait to see how the plot unfolds! I will most definitely be tuning in next week for episode 2 entitled "Trust Me"

1 comment:

  1. im sorry it took me so long to reply Marq and I loved it we cant wait till thursday i agree about Jafar he was a and still is a douche,and i disagree about the Knave of Hearts i think they will just be friends,and yeah whats up with the C Cat why is he pissed at Alice??
    Spoiler Cora is coming soon..
    good review Crazy Jo keep em coming..
