Sunday, October 27, 2013

So i'm a little disappointed...

A while back Tony and I had discussed who should be the evil villain Ursula. Should it be a cast member? Or Should it be a new actor? Well if you saw the show tonight and watched the preview for next week you will know that Regina is play in our evil sea witch. Which (haha) is unfortunate because we both wanted to see a new evil villain character.

Hopefully this will pay off and Regions will make a great spell binding octopus but we will just have to wait and see!


  1. im with you on this one Crazy J we needed a new Villian i also just hope it all works out good,i did read Ursula wouldn't be played by Regina maybe this is "Lana" as Ursula idk im just sooooooooooooo excited cant wait

  2. Judging by the way Ariel says "Ursula", it leads me to believe that Ursula does exists in the OUAT universe. Maybe she is like an old legend among the merefolk and Regina just disguises herself as Ursula to get at Ariel. After all, Kitsis and Horowits said that "in our show, you never know who is the REAL Ursula".

