Wednesday, November 14, 2012

2 weeks...

Well unfortunally we have to wait 2 weeks until the next episode of OUAT. Plus side is that the next episode looks really cool! Here is a preview of episode 8 entitled "Into the Deep". In this preview we see that young Henry and princess Aurora are magically connected in "the dream". Why do you think that is? Is it because Henry is that grandson of Snow who was put under a sleeping spell, which so happens to be the same sleeping spell that Maleficent cast upon princess Aurora? (now this might be a little far fetched but...) Maybe it has something to do with Mr. Gold? Because that is the first person David went to see after Emma and Snow fell through the portal? Maybe it might simply be that he misses his Mom and Grandmother? Or perhaps Henry has powers of his own???
And further more what do you think is going to happe when Cora finds out that Hook let Emma get away with the compass? Will she kill him? Take his heart? Trap him?
What do you think Cora will do to our pack of heroins?
Who knows.. Not I.... So I want to hear what you think... Let me know.
 Start the convo and I will jump in, even if this isn't what you want to talk about comment and we will see where it goes!

In the mean time I found this blooper reel on YouTube that I think you might like!

;-) Casey

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