Friday, March 8, 2013


Ok so, we know someone is going to die. It's everywhere Adam Horowitz, has tweeted about, its all over social media networks, and even all promos are saying that it WILL happen.

Now that all being said, if you haven't seen the #5 sneak peek that my dear friend Tony ever so generously posted for us --Thanks T-- you should go take a look at it right now.

Go on...

The title is Sneak Peeks 1,2,3,4,5

We'll wait...

Just a warning if you don't go back to watch it now I am going to spoil it for you...

Are we good?

Okay, well then allons-y!! (It's french for Let's go!)

Now that you have seen it Gold is dyeing. --and if you didn't heed my warning to go watch the scene well now you know jest of it now -- The only person he wants to talk to is his beloved Belle. He tells her all of those things that make fan girls tear up-- or bawl like a baby in my case-- Well here's my theory. Let's just say he does die, or is on the brink of dying. Belle bursts in and kisses him. Even though she doesn't remember her past that doesn't matter because he loves her with all his heart! So there again true love saves the day! He pops up and starts avenging himself and his family by killing Cora!...

This is just a theory... it's not true but I would love to see it happen!!!

What do you see happening?

Let me know :-D


  1. i really like this post good thory and OMG sneak peek was soooooo sad wow,ok now i kinda hope Cora doesnt die, for this one reason every good show needs a great Villian and besides Rump i see Cora as that Great Villian,but now realistically thinking i highly doubt Rump will Die and Hook is here to stay from what i remember,i dont want but i can see Cora dieing...

  2. You are right.. Cora is a very good villan but I think Regina will step up as more of a villian then before!

  3. i agree with you,Regina is gone now she will become more eviler
