Thursday, January 17, 2013

Do you think???

This just popped into my head... Do you think that Rumple would give up the powers of the dark one to Cora so that Belle's memory of who she was will return?

That could be the reason for the kiss... Could it be a transference of power???

I'll let you ponder on that for a minute!

Casey :-)


  1. oh that is an interesting theory as much i know he loves Belle i doubt it for this one reason,He wouldnt give up his power for his son in season 1...

  2. You are correct. But because of Belle he is changing (or trying to at least). And he loves her so maybe he will realize that she is more important. But then again when she tried to break his curse the first time he freaked out on her because he didn't know that she was told by Regina to destroy him. We will just have to see what happens :-)
